To find your purpose and passion; to find ease in life’s transitions; to find peace in the middle of your grief, please call, I can help.
Satu Springer
Registered Professional Counsellor
SATU unlimited
22778 72nd Ave,
Langley, BC V2Y 2K3
phone: 604.862.7072
Fees are $120.00 plus GST per one-hour session. Some extended health plans cover counselling sessions with a Master Therapeutic Counsellor.
To get the most out of your experience, I suggest the following:
1. |
Talk about what you experience with your family and friends. Take what you learn from therapy home with you - in your words and your
actions, share. It is important to share with others so you do not isolate yourself or compartmentalize what you learn and experience. |
2. |
Homework! To optimize your learning, you must make the time to practice the work you do in a session and begin
to make it part of your life at home. |
3. |
Open up and take risks! Emotional risks are part of growing and are an essential to moving forward. A little willingness goes a long way. |
“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside,
dreams. Who looks inside awakens.”
Carl Gustav Jung