To explore shamanic traditions, the mystery of the universe and your own personal complexity, Satu offers the following workshops.
Introduction to Shamanism Workshop:
Discover your sacred space and learn how to work with your totem animals and spirit guides at this two-day intensive beginner workshop.
You will learn how to use the medicine wheel as a guide in your life and as a source of wisdom. This |
workshop will help you to start to
understand yourself and your life through new eyes and give you tools to use in the ‘real world’ to continue to explore the mystery of you.
No prerequisite required.
Mask Workshop
Each of us plays a role and takes on a persona or image that helps us to fit into various aspects of our lives. We all have many of these
images or personas that we embody depending on which group we are with such as our ‘family group’, ‘work group’ or ‘friend group’. These
personas are our masks.
In this weekend intensive workshop, you will explore these personas through journeys as well as by creating a physical mask that you take home,
representing the many personas you use throughout your life. Uncovering and understanding your mask(s) helps you become aware of how they
separate you from the very people or groups that you think they connect you to as well as how they keep you from knowing your true self.
By the end of the weekend, you will understand that our masks have taught us many skills and given us gifts that are invaluable if we start
using them from our authentic selves instead of hiding behind the mask.
This fun, interactive workshop leads to deep and profound insights about self and how you interact with others.
Prerequisite: Intro to Shamanism or min 3 drop-in circles
and one
Individual Session with Satu.
Click below for more on:
“Mask work can be healing on many levels and its fun
too! We get to become kids again,
as we get our hands dirty with plaster of paris,
paints and glue. Come join in the laughter
and life!”
Satu Springer, BA, RPC